Source code for hanabython.Modules.Configuration

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright François Durand

This file is part of Hanabython.

    Hanabython is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Hanabython is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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import numpy as np
from typing import List, Dict
from collections import OrderedDict
from hanabython.Modules.Colored import Colored
from hanabython.Modules.Color import Color
from hanabython.Modules.Colors import Colors
from hanabython.Modules.ConfigurationDeck import ConfigurationDeck
from hanabython.Modules.ConfigurationEmptyClueRule \
    import ConfigurationEmptyClueRule
from hanabython.Modules.ConfigurationHandSize import ConfigurationHandSize
from hanabython.Modules.ConfigurationEndRule import ConfigurationEndRule

[docs]class Configuration(Colored): """ A configuration for a game of Hanabi. :param deck: the configuration of the deck. :param n_clues: the number of clue chips that players have. :param n_misfires: the number of misfire chips that players have. If :attr:`n_misfires` misfire chips are used, then the game is lost immediately (it is not a final warning but really the end of the game). :param hand_size_rule: the rule used for the initial size of the hands. :param empty_clue_rule: the rule used about empty clues. :param end_rule: the rule used to determine when then game is finished. :param name: the name of the configuration. Can be None (default value). Should not be capitalized (e.g. "my favorite configuration" and not "My favorite configuration"). :var list colors: a list of Color objects. It is the list of keys of :attr:`deck`. :var int n_colors: the number of colors. :var OrderedDict highest: For each color from :attr:`colors`, it gives the number on the highest card in that color. :var int n_values: the number on the highest card in the whole deck. :var list values: the list of possible values (from 1 to :attr:`n_values`). :var np.array deck_array: a numpy array of size :attr:`n_colors` * :attr:`n_values`. Each row represents the distribution of cards in a color. Typically, a row is [3, 2, 2, 2, 1], meaning that there are 3 ones, 2 twos, etc. Please note that column 0 corresponds to card value 1, etc. :var int n_cards: the total number of cards in the deck (50 in the standard configuration). :var int max_score: the maximum possible score (25 in the standard configuration). >>> cfg = Configuration.W_MULTICOLOR_SHORT >>> print( with short multicolor (5 cards) >>> print(cfg) Deck: with short multicolor (5 cards). Number of clues: 8. Number of misfires: 3. Clues rule: empty clues are forbidden. End rule: normal. >>> print(cfg.hand_size_rule) normal >>> print(cfg.colors) [<Color: B>, <Color: G>, <Color: R>, <Color: W>, <Color: Y>, \ <ColorMulticolor: M>] >>> print(cfg.n_colors) 6 >>> print(cfg.highest) OrderedDict([(<Color: B>, 5), (<Color: G>, 5), (<Color: R>, 5), \ (<Color: W>, 5), (<Color: Y>, 5), (<ColorMulticolor: M>, 5)]) >>> print(cfg.n_values) 5 >>> print(cfg.values) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] >>> print(cfg.deck_array) [[3 2 2 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1] [1 1 1 1 1]] >>> print(cfg.n_cards) 55 >>> print(cfg.max_score) 30 Design a configuration manually: >>> from hanabython import (ConfigurationDeck, ConfigurationColorContents, ... ConfigurationEmptyClueRule) >>> cfg = Configuration( ... deck=ConfigurationDeck(contents=[ ... (Colors.BLUE, ConfigurationColorContents([3, 2, 1, 1])), ... (Colors.RED, ConfigurationColorContents([2, 1])), ... ]), ... n_clues=4, ... n_misfires=1, ... hand_size_rule=ConfigurationHandSize.VARIANT_6_3, ... empty_clue_rule=ConfigurationEmptyClueRule.ALLOWED, ... end_rule=ConfigurationEndRule.CROWNING_PIECE ... ) >>> print(cfg) Deck: B [3, 2, 1, 1], R [2, 1]. Number of clues: 4. Number of misfires: 1. Clues rule: empty clues are allowed. End rule: Crowning Piece. """ def __init__( self, deck: ConfigurationDeck = ConfigurationDeck.NORMAL, n_clues: int = 8, n_misfires: int = 3, hand_size_rule: ConfigurationHandSize = ConfigurationHandSize.NORMAL, empty_clue_rule: ConfigurationEmptyClueRule = ConfigurationEmptyClueRule.FORBIDDEN, end_rule: ConfigurationEndRule = ConfigurationEndRule.NORMAL, name: str = None ): # Parameters self.deck = deck self.n_clues = n_clues self.n_misfires = n_misfires self.hand_size_rule = hand_size_rule self.empty_clue_rule = empty_clue_rule self.end_rule = end_rule = name # Other attributes self.colors = list(deck.keys()) # type: List[Color] self.n_colors = len(self.colors) # type: int self.highest = OrderedDict([ (c, len(deck[c])) for c in self.colors ]) # type: OrderedDict[Color, int] self.n_values = max(self.highest.values()) # type: int self.values = list(range(1, self.n_values + 1)) # type: List[int] self.deck_array = np.array([ deck[c] + [0] * (self.n_values - len(deck[c])) for c in self.colors ]) # type: np.array self.n_cards = np.sum(self.deck_array) # type: int self.max_score = sum(self.highest.values()) # type: int # Conversion self._i_from_c_name = { i for i, c in enumerate(self.colors) } # type: Dict[Color, int] def __repr__(self) -> str: if return '<Configuration: %s>' % return ( '<Configuration: %r, n_clues=%s, n_misfires=%s, ' '%r, %r, %r>' % (self.deck, self.n_clues, self.n_misfires, self.hand_size_rule, self.empty_clue_rule, self.end_rule) )
[docs] def colored(self) -> str: return '\n'.join([ 'Deck: %s.' % self.deck.colored(), 'Number of clues: %s.' % self.n_clues, 'Number of misfires: %s.' % self.n_misfires, 'Clues rule: %s.' % self.empty_clue_rule.colored(), 'End rule: %s.' % self.end_rule.colored() ])
[docs] def i_from_c(self, c: Color) -> int: """ Finds index from a color (for example in :attr:`deck_array`). :param c: a color. :return: the corresponding index. >>> Configuration.STANDARD.i_from_c(Colors.BLUE) 0 """ return self._i_from_c_name[]
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def i_from_v(self, v: int) -> int: """ Finds index from a value (for example in :attr:`deck_array`). :param v: the value (typically 1 to 5). :return: the corresponding index (typically 0 to 4). >>> Configuration.STANDARD.i_from_v(1) 0 """ return v - 1
Configuration.STANDARD = Configuration(name='standard') Configuration.W_SIXTH = Configuration( deck=ConfigurationDeck.W_SIXTH, Configuration.W_SIXTH_SHORT = Configuration( deck=ConfigurationDeck.W_SIXTH_SHORT, Configuration.W_MULTICOLOR = Configuration( deck=ConfigurationDeck.W_MULTICOLOR, Configuration.W_MULTICOLOR_SHORT = Configuration( deck=ConfigurationDeck.W_MULTICOLOR_SHORT, Configuration.EIGHT_COLORS = Configuration( deck=ConfigurationDeck.EIGHT_COLORS, if __name__ == '__main__': my_cfg = Configuration.EIGHT_COLORS my_cfg.test_str() print('\nAttributes: ') for k in my_cfg.__dict__.keys(): if not k.startswith('_'): print(k + ': ', my_cfg.__dict__[k]) print('\nOther standard configurations: ') print(Configuration.W_SIXTH.colored() + '\n') print(Configuration.W_SIXTH_SHORT.colored() + '\n') print(Configuration.W_MULTICOLOR.colored() + '\n') print(Configuration.W_MULTICOLOR_SHORT.colored() + '\n') print('\nA manual configuration: ') from hanabython.Modules.ConfigurationColorContents \ import ConfigurationColorContents my_cfg = Configuration( deck=ConfigurationDeck(contents=[ (Colors.BLUE, ConfigurationColorContents([3, 2, 1, 1])), (Colors.RED, ConfigurationColorContents([2, 1])), ]), n_clues=4, n_misfires=1, hand_size_rule=ConfigurationHandSize.VARIANT_6_3, empty_clue_rule=ConfigurationEmptyClueRule.ALLOWED, end_rule=ConfigurationEndRule.CROWNING_PIECE ) print(my_cfg.colored()) import doctest doctest.testmod()