Source code for hanabython.Modules.PlayerPuppet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright François Durand

This file is part of Hanabython.

    Hanabython is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    Hanabython is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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from typing import List
from hanabython.Modules.Clue import Clue
from hanabython.Modules.Action import Action
from hanabython.Modules.ActionForfeit import ActionForfeit
from hanabython.Modules.Card import Card
from hanabython.Modules.Configuration import Configuration
from hanabython.Modules.Player import Player
from hanabython.Modules.StringUtils import uncolor

[docs]class PlayerPuppet(Player): """ A player for Hanabi that serves only for testing purposes. :param speak: if True, then each time this player receives a message, she prints a acknowledgement. :var Action next_action: this variable makes it possible to control this player's action. >>> from hanabython import ActionThrow >>> antoine = PlayerPuppet('Antoine', speak=True) >>> antoine.next_action = ActionThrow(k=4) >>> _ = antoine.choose_action() Antoine: Choose an action Antoine: action = Discard card in position 5 """ def __init__(self, name, speak=False): super().__init__(name) self.next_action = ActionForfeit() # type: Action self.dealing_is_ongoing = False # type: bool self.speak = speak # type: bool def ack(self, o): if self.speak and not self.dealing_is_ongoing: print(uncolor('%s: %s' % (, o))) # *** Game start ***
[docs] def receive_init(self, cfg: Configuration, player_names: List[str]) -> None: self.ack('The game starts') self.ack('cfg = %s' % cfg) self.ack('player_names = %s' % player_names)
[docs] def receive_begin_dealing(self) -> None: self.ack('the initial dealing of hands begins.') self.dealing_is_ongoing = True
[docs] def receive_end_dealing(self) -> None: self.dealing_is_ongoing = False self.ack('The initial dealing of hands is over.')
# *** Drawing cards ***
[docs] def receive_i_draw(self) -> None: self.ack('This player tries to draw a card.')
[docs] def receive_partner_draws(self, i_active: int, card: Card) -> None: self.ack('Another player tries to draw a card.') self.ack('i_active = %s' % i_active) self.ack('card = %s' % card)
# *** General methods about actions ***
[docs] def receive_turn_begin(self) -> None: self.ack('The turn of the player begins.')
# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def choose_action(self) -> Action: """ :return: the value of :attr:`next_action` """ self.ack('Choose an action') self.ack('action = %s' % self.next_action) return self.next_action
[docs] def receive_action_illegal(self, s: str) -> None: self.ack('The action chosen is illegal.') self.ack(s)
[docs] def receive_turn_finished(self) -> None: self.ack('The action of the player is finished.')
# *** Manage the 4 types of actions ***
[docs] def receive_someone_throws(self, i_active: int, k: int, card: Card) -> None: self.ack('A player throws (discards a card willingly).') self.ack('i_active = %s' % i_active) self.ack('k = %s' % k) self.ack('card = %s' % card)
[docs] def receive_someone_plays_card( self, i_active: int, k: int, card: Card ) -> None: self.ack('A player tries to play a card on the board.') self.ack('i_active = %s' % i_active) self.ack('k = %s' % k) self.ack('card = %s' % card)
[docs] def receive_someone_clues( self, i_active: int, i_clued: int, clue: Clue, bool_list: List[bool] ) -> None: self.ack('A player gives a clue to another one.') self.ack('i_active = %s' % i_active) self.ack('i_clued = %s' % i_clued) self.ack('clue = %s' % clue) self.ack('bool_list = %s' % bool_list)
[docs] def receive_someone_forfeits(self, i_active: int) -> None: self.ack('A player forfeits.') self.ack('i_active = %s' % i_active)
# *** End of game ***
[docs] def receive_remaining_turns(self, remaining_turns: int) -> None: self.ack('The number of remaining turns is now known.') self.ack('remaining_turns = %s' % remaining_turns)
[docs] def receive_lose(self, score: int) -> None: self.ack('The game is lost.') self.ack('score = %s' % score)
[docs] def receive_game_exhausted(self, score: int) -> None: self.ack('The game is exhausted.') self.ack('score = %s' % score)
[docs] def receive_win(self, score: int) -> None: self.ack('The game is won.') self.ack('score = %s' % score)
if __name__ == '__main__': my_antoine = PlayerPuppet(name='Antoine') my_antoine.test_str() import doctest doctest.testmod()