Source code for hanabython.Modules.DiscardPile

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Copyright François Durand

This file is part of Hanabython.

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from typing import List
import numpy as np
from hanabython.Modules.Colored import Colored
from hanabython.Modules.StringUtils import uncolor, str_from_iterable
from hanabython.Modules.Configuration import Configuration
from hanabython.Modules.Card import Card

[docs]class DiscardPile(Colored): """ The discard pile in a game of Hanabi. :param cfg: the configuration of the game. :var list chronological: a list a cards discarded, by chronological order. :var np.array array: each row represents a color, each column a card value. The coefficient is the number of copies of this card in the discard pile. :var np.array not_discarded: is equal to :attr:`Configuration.deck_array` - :attr:`array`. Number of copies left for each card (including everything except the discard pile: the draw pile, the players' hand and the board). :var np.array scorable: each row represents a color, each column a card value. The coefficient is True it is possible to have a such card on the board at the end of the game (whether it is already on the board or not). For example, if the two G4's are discarded, then G4 and G5 are not "scorable". Note that a 1 always is considered "scorable", whether it is on the board or not. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> print(discard_pile) No card discarded yet Check that scorable cards are counted correctly with unusual configurations: >>> from hanabython import (Configuration, ConfigurationDeck, ... Colors, ConfigurationColorContents) >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration( ... deck=ConfigurationDeck(contents=[ ... (Colors.BLUE, ConfigurationColorContents([3, 2, 1, 1])), ... (Colors.RED, ConfigurationColorContents([2, 1])), ... ]) ... )) >>> print(discard_pile) No card discarded yet >>> print(discard_pile.array) [[0 0 0 0] [0 0 0 0]] >>> print(discard_pile.not_discarded) [[3 2 1 1] [2 1 0 0]] >>> print(discard_pile.scorable) [[ True True True True] [ True True False False]] >>> print(discard_pile.max_score_possible) 6 """ def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration): self.cfg = cfg self.chronological = [] self.array = np.zeros(cfg.deck_array.shape, dtype=int) self.not_discarded = np.copy(cfg.deck_array) # This formula below is valid only at the beginning because there is no # "holes" (zeros) in the middle of some rows. self.scorable = (cfg.deck_array > 0) def __repr__(self) -> str: return '<DiscardPile: %s>' % self.str_compact_chronological()
[docs] def colored(self) -> str: return self.colored_multi_line_compact()
@property def max_score_possible(self): """ Maximum possible score, considering the discard pile. :return: the maximum score that is still possible. """ return np.sum(self.scorable)
[docs] def str_multi_line_compact(self) -> str: """ Convert to nice string. :return: a representation of the discard pile. As of now, it is the one used for the standard method :meth:`__str__` (this behavior might be modified in the future). >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('R4')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) >>> print(discard_pile.str_multi_line_compact()) B1 B3 R4 """ return uncolor(self.colored_multi_line_compact())
[docs] def colored_multi_line_compact(self) -> str: """ Colored version of :meth:`str_multi_line_compact`. """ if len(self.chronological) == 0: return 'No card discarded yet' lines = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.cfg.colors): if np.sum(self.array[i, :]) == 0: continue words = [str(Card(c, v)) for j, v in enumerate(self.cfg.values) for _ in range(self.array[i, j])] lines.append(c.color_str(' '.join(words))) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def str_multi_line(self) -> str: """ Convert to nice string. :return: a representation of the discard pile. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('R4')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) >>> print(discard_pile.str_multi_line()) B1 B3 - R4 - - """ return uncolor(self.colored_multi_line())
[docs] def colored_multi_line(self) -> str: """ Colored version of :meth:`str_multi_line`. """ lines = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.cfg.colors): if np.sum(self.array[i, :]) == 0: lines.append(c.color_str('-')) continue words = [str(Card(c, v)) for j, v in enumerate(self.cfg.values) for _ in range(self.array[i, j])] lines.append(c.color_str(' '.join(words))) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def str_as_array(self) -> str: """ Convert to string in an array-style layout. :return: a representation of the discard pile. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('R4')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) >>> print(discard_pile.str_as_array()) 1 2 3 4 5 B [1 0 1 0 0] G [0 0 0 0 0] R [0 0 0 1 0] W [0 0 0 0 0] Y [0 0 0 0 0] """ return uncolor(self.colored_as_array())
[docs] def colored_as_array(self) -> str: """ Colored version of :meth:`str_as_array`. """ to_join = [ ' ' + ' '.join([str(i + 1) for i in range(self.cfg.n_values)]) ] for i, c in enumerate(self.cfg.colors): to_join.append( c.color_str('%s %s' % (c.symbol, self.array[i, :])) ) return '\n'.join(to_join)
[docs] def str_compact_factorized(self) -> str: """ Convert to nice string. :return: a representation of the discard pile. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('R4')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) >>> print(discard_pile.str_compact_factorized()) B 1 3 R 4 """ return uncolor(self.colored_compact_factorized())
[docs] def colored_compact_factorized(self) -> str: """ Colored version of :meth:`str_multi_line_compact`. """ if len(self.chronological) == 0: return 'No card discarded yet' lines = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.cfg.colors): if np.sum(self.array[i, :]) == 0: continue words = [str(v) for j, v in enumerate(self.cfg.values) for _ in range(self.array[i, j])] lines.append(c.color_str(c.symbol + ' ' + ' '.join(words))) return ' '.join(lines)
[docs] def str_compact_ordered(self) -> str: """ Convert to string in a list-style layout, ordered by color and value. :return: a representation of the discard pile. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('R4')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) >>> print(discard_pile.str_compact_ordered()) B1 B3 R4 """ return uncolor(self.colored_compact_ordered())
[docs] def colored_compact_ordered(self) -> str: """ Colored version of :meth:`str_compact_ordered`. """ if not self.chronological: return 'No card discarded yet' return str_from_iterable( [card.colored() for card in self.list_reordered])
[docs] def str_compact_chronological(self) -> str: """ Convert to string in a list-style layout, by chronological order. :return: a representation of the discard pile. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('R4')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) >>> print(discard_pile.str_compact_chronological()) B3 R4 B1 """ return uncolor(self.colored_compact_chronological())
[docs] def colored_compact_chronological(self) -> str: """ Colored version of :meth:`str_compact_chronological`. """ if not self.chronological: return 'No card discarded yet' return str_from_iterable( [card.colored() for card in self.chronological])
@property def list_reordered(self) -> List[Card]: """ List of discarded cards, ordered by color and value. :return: the list of discarded cards, by lexicographic order. The order on the colors is the one specified in :attr:`cfg`. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('R4')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) >>> discard_pile.list_reordered [<Card: B1>, <Card: B3>, <Card: R4>] """ ordered = [] for i, c in enumerate(self.cfg.colors): for j, v in enumerate(self.cfg.values): ordered.extend([Card(c, v)] * self.array[i, j]) return ordered
[docs] def receive(self, card) -> None: """ Receive a card. :param card: the card discarded. Update the internal variables of the discard pile. >>> from hanabython import Configuration >>> discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.STANDARD) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B2')) >>> discard_pile.receive(Card('B3')) >>> print(discard_pile) B2 B3 B3 >>> print(discard_pile.not_discarded) [[3 1 0 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1] [3 2 2 2 1]] >>> print(discard_pile.scorable) [[ True True False False False] [ True True True True True] [ True True True True True] [ True True True True True] [ True True True True True]] >>> print(discard_pile.max_score_possible) 22 """ self.chronological.append(card) i = self.cfg.i_from_c(card.c) j = self.cfg.i_from_v(card.v) self.array[i, j] += 1 self.not_discarded[i, j] -= 1 if self.not_discarded[i, j] == 0: self.scorable[i, j:] = False
if __name__ == '__main__': my_discard_pile = DiscardPile(Configuration.W_MULTICOLOR_SHORT) my_discard_pile.receive(Card('R3')) my_discard_pile.receive(Card('R3')) my_discard_pile.receive(Card('M1')) my_discard_pile.receive(Card('B4')) my_discard_pile.receive(Card('B1')) my_discard_pile.test_str() print('\nAll layout styles (colored version):') print('Compact chronological: ') print(my_discard_pile.colored_compact_chronological()) print('\nCompact ordered: ') print(my_discard_pile.colored_compact_ordered()) print('\nCompact factorized: ') print(my_discard_pile.colored_compact_factorized()) print('\nMulti-line compact: ') print(my_discard_pile.colored_multi_line_compact()) print('\nMulti-line: ') print(my_discard_pile.colored_multi_line()) print('\nAs an array: ') print(my_discard_pile.colored_as_array()) import doctest doctest.testmod()